
Tēnā Koutou Katoa. A warm hello to you all,


We hope you have enjoyed what the winter has had to offer so far, whilst also staying warm and well.


Welcome to the August edition of MS Voice, your go-to place for the latest news, updates, and real life stories from Multiple Sclerosis New Zealand. Grab a cuppa, get comfy and read what we've been up to. 


What's Happening at MSNZ


Multiple Sclerosis Awareness Week is approaching and we are eager to launch our new 3 year campaign which focusses on the early symptoms of MS and how 'Time Matters in MS'. This September 9th - 15th, we will be publishing further information on social media, our website and in the next edition of MS Voice. In addition, many of our regional societies will be running events and street appeals, so please check in with them to see what they are doing and support them where you can. Below are a few examples of societies in need of your help 🧡


We are always keen to hear and share peoples MS stories. If you would like to share yours, especially details of your diagnosis story including your early symptoms, please get in touch: info@msnz.org.nz


If you haven't yet watched the recording of our Brain Health Seminar with Professor Helmut Butzkueven, follow the link below to learn strategies to optimise brain health and hear what lies ahead for brain health in MS.


MSNZ News and Updates


Recognising an MS Relapse


The next item from our Information Resources to introduce you to is the supplementary 'Recognising a Relapse' card from Auckland DHB. This resource provides a visual overview of how to recognise a relapse and what to do if you are experiencing the symptoms of a relapse.


The card is available as part of the Living Well with MS Information Packs you can obtain from your local regional society or download from our website and print at home. 


Esme Tombleson Award - Applications Open


In honour of our co-founder, we present an Esme Tombleson Award each year to anyone who has made a significant contribution, nationally, to MSNZ and people impacted by MS. If you know of a deserving recipient, nominate them via your regional society. Applications close 31st October. 


Carers Alliance Meet With Louise Upston


Last month the Carers Alliance, of which MSNZ are members of, met with Louise Upston in her roles as Disability Issues Minister, and Minister for MSD. They had a frank chat with the Minister, and presented documentation with ‘quick win’ asks, which could easily be immediately implemented.


The extreme pressures of long-term 24/7 caring must be taken seriously by government and its agencies. Carers’ mental, physical and economic wellbeing must be protected with meaningful policies and action. 


Information for You


Benefit Traffic Light System Explained


The Government recently announced a new benefit traffic light system and further changes to the social welfare system, as part of wider reforms. It says it will reduce welfare dependency and get more people into work.


But advocacy groups and political opponents say the changes, which include new sanctions, simply won’t work and people receiving benefits need more support.


Making Sense of the System 


Early in 2024, Flying Kites launched a new online event series designed to help people navigate the New Zealand disability system; in particular, those with Individualised Funding.


Follow the link to review all the recorded sessions. 


MS Momentum Podcast


MS Otago's Community Connector, Katie hosts a monthly podcast and discusses challenges people with MS face, supports available and more. Download for free and listen today! 


NZ Health Apps


With so many apps and websites to go to for information, it can be overwhelming. NZ Health have done the hard work for you by reviewing and rating apps, scoring them up to 5 stars. Take a look at these symptom apps and first aid apps.  


Understanding MS Course


Learn more about multiple sclerosis with the award-winning Understanding MS, a FREE online course developed by Menzies Institute for Medical Research in partnership with MS Australia and MS Plus and in collaboration with Wicking Dementia Centre.


The course is for everyone, including people living with MS, their families and carers, plus medical, nursing and allied health professionals.


Click here to learn more and enrol today!


Supporting MSNZ


Without the support of amazing people like you, we wouldn't be able to do the work we do at MSNZ. Your generous contributions enable us to continue providing advocacy and information that improves the lives of families affected by multiple sclerosis.


Each year, MSNZ needs to raise over 90% of our income through kind donations, grants, bequests and business support. Every bit helps and we're incredibly thankful for any donation received. We'll send a receipt for all donations over $5 and guess what? If your donation is over $5, you're eligible for a tax refund. Now that's a win-win!


Below are some ways you can support us this August. Click on the pictures to learn more. Thank you. 


Happy Birthday!


It's Entertainment's 30th Birthday and we're teaming up with them to raise much-needed funds for our cause and give you a few goodies to celebrate too!

For a limited time, buy any Single City Entertainment Membership and get a FREE upgrade to a Multi City Membership! Plus, go into the draw to win some epic prizes including luxury dining experiences, thrilling family adventures, gift cards and more. All with a 12-month Entertainment Membership starting at just $70!

Grab this amazing offer now for your chance to win while saving up to 50% off restaurants, activities, shopping, and more.


Thank you for your continued support! 


Let's Get The Party Started!


Ever thought about giving back your special event for good? 

What if your birthday could raise funds to provide information resources? What if your wedding could raise funds for access to education for local community advisors? Or if your farewell could raise funds to advocate for those with MS to have access to the treatments and services that they deserve?


Create a Good Registry today to get the party started with your go-to solution for spreading joy to causes you care about.


In the Spotlight


Power In The Park 2024


Power in the Park is run by our friends and supporters at Permobil. It is a fun community open day where everyone is welcome! Through connections and experiences, engage with various aspects of mobility and disabilities to increase your knowledge and confidence in products and services that are available to users, families and community members.


You can attend for an hour, or two, or stay the whole day. Food and drink available at no cost (as long as you’ve registered!) Free entry for all! Follow the link to find out more and register today!


Our Appreciation









MSNZ would like to show our appreciation to the amazing support in the form of grants received from the One Foundation. 🧡 🎉


Please check out our latest news section of our website for the most up to date news and information.


Sharing stories offers an insight into what it's like to live with multiple sclerosis. 

If you would like to share your MS story with the MS community, please get in touch: info@msnz.org.nz 


Your continued support helps us to achieve so much for those impacted by MS. Thank You 🧡 


Noho ora mai. Stay well and look after yourself. 



Content provided neither indicates nor reflects the views of MSNZ, unless specified. The information provided is not intended to replace medical advice. Please click here to read our full disclaimer. 



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Copyright © 2024 Multiple Sclerosis Society New Zealand Inc., All rights reserved. Multiple Sclerosis Society New Zealand Inc. Charities Registration number CC10861. PO Box 1192, Christchurch, 8140.